Magnolian Moods // Aux Portes // Nebmspua

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Date(s) - 19/05/2023
20:00 - 23:00

Tunnel Vienna Live


(c) Magnolian Moods/Kevin Singer

20:45 Nebmspua
21:45 Aux Portes
22:45 Magnolian Moods
Eintritt: 10€
Come to dance and dream with us!

MAGNOLIAN MOODS (AT) – When the dawn stands still and the wind is inviting the leaves to dance it’s about time to open up your mind. The eight-piece psychedelic funk combo combines elements of mystic jazz and acid folk. Dreamy oscillations mixed with captivated vibrations result in moods that haven’t been here before.

AUX PORTES (AT) – are the portal to a new dimension where you will lose yourself in dreamy guitars, hovering synths, oscillating bass lines and driving drums. The Neo-psych quartet takes you on a journey back to the psychedelic 60’s whilst juxtaposing modern sounds, delivering a unique and mind-bending experience. Be prepared for waves of mysterious vibes and uplifting harmonies that carry you beyond reality and time. AUX PORTES strive to penetrate your mind with strokes of pure, free-spirited Rock ‘n’ Roll. Their powerful live concerts capture the essence of authentic retro music and style, leaving you intrigued and always longing for more.

NEBMSPUA (AT) – Jeder streunt mal. Mal auf Ab-, aber auf Umwegen. Wir laden euch ein; neben der Spur zu flanieren, zu sprießen, es mit uns zu genießen! Abseits des Stroms, wo Mensch noch Viech ist und das Sein mindestens den gleichen Wert hat wie der Schein. Also, am besten Augen zu, Ohren auf und nicht aufs Pannendreieck vergessen!